Riley Blake Designs Block Challenge - Dizzy Pinwheel


I’m so excited to share my block for the Riley Blake Designs Block Challenge! I am calling this one the dizzy pinwheel and I think it turned out super cute and it is also beginner friendly!! (Is that because I’m still a beginner quilter and maybe always will be? Maybe…try not to judge me.)

My favorite thing about this block is that you can use the eight at a time Half Square Triangle method to make ALL the half square triangles you need, so this block comes together super quick! If you give this block a try, I would love to see it and admire all of your work! Make sure to tag me on social media @laurenbrewerdesign.

You can visit the Riley Blake Designs website to get instructions for all of the blocks so far! There’s still time to catch up!

Click the quilt block below to download PDF instructions!